CYTI - Mint tokens, choose your token ID


Mint tokens through a smart contract allowing to choose the beginning of your token ID.

A miner is available to mine the proper boxId to mint the tokens.

The code is available on github.

Ergo token minter and burner

Token Minter Token Burner

dApp on Ergo blockchain to mint and burn tokens.

The application is distributed as a static webpage running in the browser and interacting with the Ergo blockchain using the Yoroi dApp connector.

The code is available on github.

Ergo Payment Portal

Ergo Pay Vouchers

dApp to help integration of ERG and SigUSD payments in application and website.

It allows to process ergo payment through and URL using wallet dApp connector.
The payment reception can be monitored using a monitoring page or the monitor-vouchers server provided.

The application is distributed as a static webpage running in the browser.

The code is available on github.

Ergo transaction builder

Transaction builder

UI manipulate Ergo transaction json and sign them using browser extension wallets (SAFEW, Nautilus or Yoroi) or the node wallet.

The application was built in order to ease the implementation of smart contracts.

The application is distributed as a static webpage running in the browser.

The code is available on github.