This dApp intends to ease Ergo payments for small businesses and personal usage. It provides a way to integrate Ergo or SigUSD payments in other applications, allowing to request a payment from an URL.
A seller can create an URL to the payment portal in order to receive a payment. This URL includes the address for the payment, the currency (ERG or SigUSD), the amount and a customizable reference for the seller.
The buyer is redirected to the payment page buy clicking on the link, he is invited to sign the transaction to proceed the payment, the sample link following suggests a donation of 1 ERG for this dApp. the transaction is confirmed, the Voucher page allows the seller to view the list of received payments. additional tool "monitor-vouchers" is included in the git repository in order to be able to monitor the received payments in an automated way retreiving a json file.
You need to install a Chrome extension extension configure an ergo wallet with some ERGs:
- Nautilus
- Yoroi
The application will propose you to connect your the wallet when loading.
Only one wallet extension with dApp connector needs to be enabled in your browser.
The application is distributed as a static webpage and is executed in your browser.
The transactions are sent to your wallet dApp connector so you can review and sign them.
Once validated with the wallet dApp connector a transaction is sent to the blockchain, it cannot be cancelled or reverted. Review it carefully.
You will need to generate a valid payment link to the Ergo Payment portal from your website in order to use the deployed dApp. You can use the "reference" field in order to store up to 40 ascii characters, to identify the payment once received.
The application is opensource, it can be cloned, adapted to your need and ran as a static webpage on your web server, with no dApp fee.
The received payments can be monitored using the Voucher page of the dApp or in an automated way running the voucher-monitor tool provided with the application
The application currently deployed here has a 0.1% fee with a mininimum of 0.001 ERG or 0.01 SigUSD, the fee is removed from the amount sent by the buyer and so is paid "by the seller".
The "buyer" will pay only the Ergo transaction fee additionnally to the amount requested to proceed the transaction.
The application is opensource and can be installed as a static webpage, it is possible to configure the fee to 0.
To integrate the ergo payment in your website, you could deploy this dApp on your server and set the fee to 0.
The application does not use cookies and does not store or manipulate personal data on server side. It is delivered as a static webpage running in your browser.
The code of the application is hosted on gihub: Github repository
Please create an issue in the gihub project, or better, a pull request.