This is a dApp allowing you to mint and burn tokens on the Ergo blockchain.
The application is tested with Chrome browser, but may work with other Chrome based browsers.
You need to install a Chrome extension extension configure an ergo wallet with some ERGs:
- Nautilus
- Yoroi
The application will propose you to connect your the wallet when loading.
Only one wallet extension with dApp connector needs to be enabled in your browser.
You can set several properties for your token as the amount of existing tokens or the number of decimals supported.
They follow the EIP-0004 for ergo Tokens.
The dApp connects to your wallet and list the available tokens.
When burning tokens, you can adjust the amount of tokens to be burnt for each of your token, and burn them all in a single transaction.
You can adjust the amount to be burnt depending on the precision supported by the token, a rounding is applied accordingly.
Those tokens are genuine tokens from, they have a real tradable value, a protection is preventing you to burn them.
The code of the application is hosted on gihub: Github repository
The application is distributed as a static webpage and is executed in your browser.
The transaction are sent to your wallet dApp connector so you can review and sign them.
Once validated with wallet dApp connector the transaction is sent to the blockchain, it cannot be cancelled or reverted. Review it carefully.
Please create an issue in the gihub project, or better, a pull request.
There is a minimal fee of 0.001 Erg applied for the dApp usage. If you find the application useful feel free to increase the amount to buy me a beer and contribute to the hosting.
"Unlike ergs, other tokens can be burnt: the total amount for a token in transaction inputs should be no less than the amount of the outputs."
To burn tokens, they "simply" needs to not be included in the output box. An ergo transaction verify the ERG balance between inputs and ouputs but not the balance for the tokens.